Goin Home (Anton Dvorak) | Exaudi

Produced for the Victorian Shrine of Remembrance for Remembrance Day 2020 livestream.

Mix and Production: Kade Neale

I(solace)ion (Juliana Kay & Exaudi) | 2D - Exaudi

When Exaudi was forced to move rehearsals online, we responded by writing and recording a piece about our experiences in isolation. Choir members contributed text and musical ideas via the Zoom chat box and break out rooms, and assistant conductor Juliana Kay compiled their ideas into this piece.

Although we can’t sing together in person, we continue to find solace in isolation by making music in new ways.

Music and lyrics by Juliana Kay and the members of Exaudi youth choir

Percussion: Bridget Bourne

Mix and Video Production: Kade Neale

Exaudi is directed by Mark O’Leary OAM Assistant conductor: Juliana Kay


Graphic & Motion Design